Recently, the "Sodium Battery Development and Innovative Application Forum," co-hosted by the Hunan Province Battery Industry Association, Changsha Advanced Battery Materials and Battery Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, and Changsha Sodium-ion Battery Innovation Consortium, was successfully held in the Xiangjiang New District of Changsha. Kunyu Power, as a leading domestic player in the R&D of sodium battery technology and one of the first domestic companies to pass the sodium-ion battery evaluation, was invited to participate and share the latest progress and innovative achievements in the development and industrial application of sodium battery technology.
This forum aims to focus on the field of sodium-ion batteries, discussing the technical applications of advanced energy storage materials, industrialization, and innovative development paths, to promote the high-quality development of the sodium-ion battery industry.
With the R&D philosophy of "Zero Carbon Smart Storage, Lithium and Sodium Drive in Tandem," Cospowers has strategically focused on sodium-ion batteries, promoting their industrialization, seizing new heights in the development of sodium batteries, and achieving significant results. Recently, it has been honored with the new title of "2024 Sodium Battery Top 10 Enterprise of the Year."
Cospowers leveraging its technological advantages in the field of communication energy storage, has initiated cooperation with China Mobile and China Tower to jointly explore innovative applications of sodium-ion batteries in the areas of communication energy storage and data center energy storage.
China Mobile Ningxia Company's 2024 Data Center Distributed Photovoltaic Project: Sodium-ion Battery Commercial Product Pilot
China Tower Gansu Province Tianshui Site Cospowers Smart Sodium Energy Storage Pilot Application
Cospowers will continue to delve deeper into its processes and rapidly iterate to continuously enhance product performance and quality. At the same time, adhering to an open and shared business model, we look forward to joining hands with colleagues from various sectors to actively explore new industrial and commercial paths for sodium-ion batteries, contributing to the advancement of global new-type energy storage.